Born in England, Joanne Ryall considers herself very fortunate to live deep in the countryside, near the
South-West coast, surrounded by rich wildlife and stunning scenery.
The Ryall family has a long history within the engraving world, as Joanne's great grand-father, Henry Thomas Ryall,
was appointed Royal Engraver to Queen Victoria during her reign as Queen of England.
The National portrait gallery in London currently has forty of his works on show.
Joanne's uncle was a sculptor & artist, and helped awaken in her a love of art, and the details there-in.
As a result, Joanne developed her own passion for pen & ink artwork.
At the same time, her father, who was an antique firearms collector, was busily ensuring
she developed an interest and respect for firearms & shooting.
Joanne originally trained and worked as a sign writer, developing a successful business in this field.
One day, she found a classic book on the art of engraving steel and precious metals.
Devouring it from cover to cover, she was totally enthralled by the possibilities of this medium and her future was set.
Today, after years honing her skills, she is recognised as one of the world’s premier hand-engravers,
specialising in the embellishment of fine watches, knives and firearms.
Domestic & international commissions are undertaken & her work can be found in the
hands of collectors and connoisseurs world-wide.